CHAP. 427.
serve, then, and in such case, it shall be, and is here-
by made the duty of the commissioners of Howard
District, within twenty days from and after the time
of the death or resignation of the said treasurer, as
aforesaid, to elect some person to serve as treasurer for
and during the residue of the term for which the trea-
surer so dying or resigning shall have been elected,
which person, when so elected, shall be required to
qualify and give bond, according to the provisions of
the second section of this act.
Duty of the
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the treasurer aforesaid, at the expiration of his term
of service, to transfer and hand over to his successor
in office, all books, accounts, money, and papers of
every kind and nature whatsoever, in any way con-
nected with the administration of said office.
Levy authoris-
SEC. 6 And be it enacted, That the commissioners
of Howard District, in making out their levy for the
year eighteen hundred and fifty, shall levy upon the
assessable property of Howard District, on or before
the first day of April, in each and every year, six per
centum on the amount of said State and district taxes,
in the same manner as they levy for State and district
taxes, to defray the expenses for the collection of the
State and district taxes.
To give notice.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That from and after the
levy aforesaid has been made for the year eighteen
hundred and fifty, it shall be the privilege, and the
tax payers of said district are hereby authorised, to pay
over to the treasurer of said district, their State and
district taxes, and he is hereby authorised to receive
the same, and as soon as the said levy shall have been
completed, the said commissioners shall cause to be
published, in at least one newspaper published in
Howard District, and by printed notices to be posted
at four, or more, public places in each election district
in Howard District, and said notices shall recite the
provisions of the eighth section of this act, inviting
the tax payers to pay, voluntarily, into the hands of
said treasurer, the amount of accruing taxes for the
State and district, due by said tax payers respectively,
according to the provisions of this act, hereinafter en-
Deductions for
prompt pay-
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said tax payers
shall have from the first day of April, until the first
day of August, in each and every year, to pay their
State and district taxes, and they shall have deducted
the whole amount of per centage for collecting the
same, and those who fail to pay as aforesaid, shall
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