CHAP. 384.
An act to change the name of Charles Augustus Kerr
Evans, infant son of Alexander S. Evans, of Som-
erset County, to that of Charles Augustus Polk
March 7, 1850.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the name
of Charles Augustus Kerr Evans, infant son of Alex-
ander S. Evans, of Somerset county, be and the same
is hereby changed to the name of Charles Augustus
Polk Evans, and by said name he shall hereafter be
Name changed.
called and known, sue and be sued; provided, nothing
herein contained shall alter or abridge any legal right
to which said infant might otherwise be entitled, and
all securities, devises and bequests in his behalf, and
all estates to which he is or may become entitled,
by descent, purchase, or otherwise, shall vest in him,
be preserved and transmitted, as if his name had
never been changed.
An act for the more permanent establishment of
School, in Primary School District number Twelve,
of Anne Arundel County, and for the promotion of
Education therein.
Passed Mar. 6,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That from and after the passage of this,
act, the trustees of primary school district, number
twelve, of Anne Arundel county, for the more perma-
nent establishment of a school in said district, be and
they are hereby authorised to charge and collect from
every parent or guardian, a sum of money not exceed-
ing one dollar per capita, per month, for every pupil or
child that said guardian or parent as aforesaid, shall or
may send to said school.
Tuition charge.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the trustees of said primary school district, and they
are hereby required, before they proceed to levy or
charge any such capitation tax, to give at least six days
police, by advertisements set up at four of the most pub-
Notice to be