SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president and
managers of said company, shall cause certificates of
stock to be issued to every person, community or corpo-
ration entitled to the same, when they shall he entitled
to one vote for each share of stock held by them respec-
CHAP. 378.
Certificates to
be issued to
subscribers, &c.
tively; provided, that no one person, community or cor-
poration shall he allowed more than, thirty votes; and
provided further, that such certificates of stock shall be
transferrable only upon notice given to the board of
managers, when a transfer shall be regularly made upon
the books of the corporation.
SEC 8. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
board of Washington county, be and they are hereby
authorised to subscribe for such number of shares, not
exceeding two hundred, in the capital stock of said com-
pany, as they may deem expedient and proper, in the
name and for the benefit of Washington county, to be
represented at all meetings of the stockholders of said
company, by the commissioners for the time being, or
by such person or persons as may be duly authorised by
of Washington
county to sub-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
shall be so construed as to authorise the said corporation
to issue any note, token, scrip, device, or other evidence
of debt, to be used as a currency, and the Legislature
hereby reserves the right to alter or annul this act at
Banking forbid.
pleasure; provided, that the rates of toll upon this road
shall not exceed those of other roads of a like nature in
this State.
An act entitled, an act appointing Commissioners to
divide School District Number Two, in the Fifth
Election District of Prince George's County, and
to create an additional School District therein.
Passed Mar. 2,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That John I. Lambert, Randolph B.
Latimer, and George W. Gardiner, of Prince George's
county, be and they are hereby appointed commis-
sioners, they or a majority of them, are hereby autho-
rised and empowered to divide school district, num-
ber two, in the fifth election district of said county,
in such manner as to lay off an additional school dis-