pay them over to the clerk of Allegany county court,
and to lake duplicate receipts from the said clerk, for all
sums of money paid to said clerk, as hereby provided,
one of which said receipts shall be sent to the treasurer
of the State of Maryland, and the said clerk shall pay
over all such money to the treasurer of the State afore-
said, for the use of the said State, except such commissions
as are now allowed by law for similar sums collected
and paid by the said clerk, and the bond of each of the
said officers shall be responsible for the faithful perfor-
mance of the duty hereby imposed upon them, and each
of the said officers shall be entitled to such fees as are
now allowed in suits for the recovery of small debts.
CHAP. 374.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the second section
of the aforesaid act, passed at December session; in the
year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty-three,
chapter one hundred and seventy-four, be and the same
is hereby repealed.
An act supplementary to an act to establish a House of
Refuge, for Juvenile Delinquents, passed February
eighth, eighteen hundred and thirty.
Passed Mar. 7,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Mary/mid, That the board of managers of the
House of Refuge shall have power at their discretion to
take into said house, all such children as shall be taken
up and committed as street-beggars or vagrants, or
shall be convicted of criminal offences, or as hereinafter
provided for, in case of application of parents or guar-
dians, and shall have power to place the said children
committed to their care during the minority of such
children at such employments, and to cause them to be
instructed in such branches of useful knowledge as may
be suited to their years and capacities, and they shall
have power to bind out said children with their consent
as apprentices during their minority, that is to say,
males until the age of twenty-one years, and females
until the age of eighteen years, to such persons and at
such places, to learn such proper trades or employments
as in their judgment will be most conducive to the re-
formation and the future benefit and advantage of such
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