CHAP. 347.
tion of such judge or judges for neglecting or refusing
to make the return of the number of votes given for or
against the adoption of the said constitution as aforesaid,
he or they shall in the discretion of the court before
whom his or their conviction may be had, be subject
also to imprisonment, in the county jail for the space of
thirty days.
of delegates.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That any Senator or
Representative in Congress, or State Senator, or any
Civil Officer of the State or United States, residing
within the limits of the State of Maryland for twelve
months next preceding said election, or members of the
House of Delegates, shall be eligible to a seat in the
convention to assemble us hereinbefore prescribed, with-
out affecting the tenure of their respective offices.
If the new
constitution is
adopted by the
people, Gover-
nor to declare
the fact by a
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That when the Gover-
nor shall receive the returns of the number of ballots
cast in this State, for the adoption or rejection of the
Constitution submitted by the Convention of the peo-
ple, and if upon counting and casting up the returns
as made to him by the judges of election as hereinbe-
fore prescribed, it shall appear that a majority of the le-
gal voters of the State are in favor of the adoption of the
said Constitution, he shall issue his proclamation to the
people of the State, declaring the fact, and he shall take
such steps as shall be required by the said Constitution,
for the same to go into operation, and to supersede the
old Constitution of this State.
Act to be
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That this bill shall be
published once a week for six successive weeks, previ-
ous to the said first Wednesday in May next, in each
newspaper published in the State of Maryland.
arts repealed.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That any act, or acts, or
parts of acts, inconsistent with this act, be and the same
are hereby repealed.
March 7, 1850.
A supplement to an act entitled, an act relating to
Limited Partnerships in this State, passed at De-
cember Session, eighteen hundred and thirty- six,
chapter ninety-seven.
How conducted.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the business of a limited part-