CHAP. 323.
condemn a lot of ground in the vicinity of said town,
not to exceed one acre of land, for the exclusive use
and benefit of the said corporation of said town, and
the inhabitants thereof; provided, that such survey
shall not interfere with the yards, garden, orchards,
or buildings of any person, without their consent.
how paid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
named in the third section of this act, shall value and
assess the damages sustained by any person or per-
sons whose land may be affected by the aforesaid sur-
vey, location, and condemnation, and the damages so
assessed, together with all the necessary expenses,
shall be returned by the said commissioners to the
commissioners of said corporation, and the said cor-
poration shall pay the amount of damages and ex-
penses incurred under this act to the person or per-
sons entitled thereto.
To cause plat
to be made out.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners appointed under the third section of this act
shall cause to be made out a plot of the lot of ground
as aforesaid surveyed, located, and condemned, to be
lodged in the clerk's office of Dorchester county, there
to remain in perpetual testimony of the aforesaid sur-
vey, location, and condemnation.
Passed Feb. 28,
An act entitled, a supplement to an act passed at De-
cember Session, eighteen hundred and forty-four,
chapter one hundred and twenty-six, entitled, an act
authorising the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the
city and precincts of Baltimore, to hold certain lands
as a Burial Ground.
WHEREAS, The trustees of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, in the city and precincts of Baltimore, a cor-
poration duly incorporated according to law, acting
under the authority of the act to which this is a sup-
plement, have purchased a tract of land on the Fre-
derick Turnpike Road, containing about thirty-three
acres, and have dedicated the same to the purposes of
sepulture, under the name of Mount Olivet Ceme-
tery; and whereas, it is reasonable and necessary that
said corporation should have the powers and privileges
requisite for the uninterrupted, permanent, and sacred