CHAP. 278.
powers as the said president and directors would have if
chosen, and a majority of said directors shall constitute
a quorum for the transaction of business, and in case a
vacancy should occur in the presidency or directorship
of said company, the remaining directors ahull have power
to fill such vacancy, by appointing some stockholder to
that office, till the next annual meeting for the choice
of directors.
General meet-
ings, &c.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That a meeting of the
stockholders shall be held annually, at such time and
place as shall be established by the bye-laws of the
company, and it shall be the duly of the directors to
cause true and accurate books of record and accounts
to be kept, and at said meeting to make report of the
affairs and condition of the company; a special meeting
of the stockholders may be called at any time by a ma-
jority of the directors, or by one or more stockholders,
representing one quarter part of the capital stock, then
issued, of which meeting ten days notice shall be pre-
viously given in one or more newspapers published in
the cities of New York and Baltimore, which notice
shall specifically set forth the object and purposes for
which such meeting may be called, and at all meetings of
the stockholders, the owners or representatives of a ma-
jority of the capital stock shall constitute a quorum for
transaction of business, and have power to pass, a-
mend, alter or repeal the bye-laws, remove from office
any director, officer or agent of said company, and to
appoint others in their place and stead.
Banking forbid.
SEC 7. And be it enacted, That nothing in this
act contained shall he so construed as to authorise
said company to issue any note, scrip, token, device or
other evidence of debt, to be used as currency.
In force.
Rights reserved.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this act shall be
and continue in force for the term of thirty years from
and after its passage, the General Assembly reserving
the right to alter, amend, or annul this act of incorporation
at pleasure.