SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all future elections
shall be held and conducted as shall from time to
time be directed by the bye-laws of the corporation,
the same hot being inconsistent with the provisions
of this act.
CHAP. 271.
Future elec-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That every commission-
er to be appointed in pursuance of this art, before he
shall proceed to execute his office, shall take an
oath or affirmation before some justice of the
peace of the. county, that he will diligently and
faithfully, according to the best of his judgment,
perform the duties of a commissioner of said town,
according to the directions of this act, without favor,
partiality or prejudice, and a certificate of such quali-
fication shall be made and returned by such justice
of the peace to the said commissioners, to be filed and
recorded among their proceedings.
Make oath.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
so elected shall have power and authority to meet
and adjourn from time to time as they shall see fit,
and shall on the first meeting after said election
choose from their own body a president, who shall
preside at all meetings of the commissioners, vote on
all questions before them, and remain in office until
superseded by the appointment of a new president
after a new election of commissioners aforesaid.
To appoint
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That if any of the com-
missioners, during the year for which he or they may
be elected, should die, resign, remove from said town-,
or be noil compos, or otherwise disqualified, in elec-
tion to till the vacancy shall be held, at which all per-
sons qualified as is specified in the second section of
this act, shall be entitled to vote.
how filled.
SBC. 8. And be it enacted, That should the inhab-
itants at any time neglect to make an election at the
times required by this act, the power of electing com-
missioners shall not therefore cease, but the right
and power of said inhabitants of said town in that
respect shall continue the same as though such elec-
tion had been made, and the president and commis-
sioners for the time being shall continue and remain
in office with like power and authority, until such
election shall be held as aforesaid.
Failure to elect
not to dissolve
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That George W. Bennet,
William P. Cropper, Joseph Bryan, Daniel S. Kars-
ner, and Edward Scanlin, be and they are hereby ap-
pointed commissioners to ascertain, lay off, and fix
the boundaries of the said town of Chesapeake City,
and they or a majority of them shall employ a sur-
Boundaries to
be fixed.