CHAP. 263.
In force.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act of incor-
poration shall enure for thirty years from the date of
its passage, and that the Legislature reserves to itself
the right to alter or annul the same at any time there-
Passed Feb. 28,
An act entitled, an act relating to Primary Schools in
Kent County.
Petitions to be
made to the le-
vy court.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That all petitions relating to any change
of primary school districts in Kent county, shall be made
to the levy court of said county.
Levy court to
inquire, etc
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That when any petition,
for an additional school district, or a petition in any way
affecting the location of primary school houses in said
county, that it shall he the duty of the levy court to
inquire into the merits of said petition, and if they shall,
in their discretion, think the prayer of the petitioners
ought to be granted, that they shall appoint five trustees,
residing in the neighborhood of the school district where
a change is desired to be made, whose duty it shall be
to lay out a new district, or make such changes in the
districts now existing, as they, or a majority of them,
may think the public convenience requires.
Levy authoris-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the levy court shall
levy upon the assessable property in additional school
district, a sum of money sufficient to pay the expense of
so locating any additional primary school district, that
may be located under the provisions of this act, to bo
collected as other county charges are.
New districts
to be entitled
to privileges of
old ones.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That when, under the
provisions of this act, any additional primary school dis-
trict shall be laid out, that it be entitled to all the privi-
leges and subject to all the regulations that now apper-
tain to primary schools in Kent county.
School houses
may be remov-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That whenever the trus-
tees who may be appointed under the provisions of this
act, shall be of opinion that the public interest would be
served by removing any primary school house now in
use as a primary school, they shall be and they are here-
by authorised to cause the said house to be removed to
such location as they, or a majority of them, shall be of