CHAP. 262.
the like benefit and remedy against the lessee or les-
sees, his, her or their representatives or assigns, for
non-payment of the rent or other forfeiture, or for not
performing conditions, covenants or agreements as the
person or persons who would have been entitled to
the merged reversion, might have enjoyed if such re-
version had not merged.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall go in-
to from the date of its passage.
Mar. 1, 1850.
An act to authorise Samuel Phipps to-shut up and dose
the North East End of a road herein mentioned.
To close road.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Samuel S. Phipps, be and he is hereby authoris-
ed to shut up and close the North East End of an old
road which intersects the road leading from Woods-
boro', to Creagerstown, at or near the said Phipps' sta-
ble, in Frederick county; provided, that on the south
it shall be closed no farther than a line parallel with
what is commonly called Derr's Alley, in Woodsboro'.
Passed Mar. 1,
An act to incorporate Federalsburg Division, number
seventy-seven, of the Order of the Sons of Temper-
ance, in Caroline County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Curtis Davis, Joseph L. Kenney,
E. R. Goslin, William L. Wingate, John Elliott, Wil-
liam S. Goslin,William J. Brown,William H. Charles,
Daniel R. Wright, John L. Willis and others, the offi-
cers and members of Federalsburg Division, number
seventy-seven, of the Order of the Sons of Temperance
and their successors, be and they are hereby created and
declared to be a community, corporation and body
politic, by the name and number, style and title, of
Federalsburg Division, number seventy-seven, of the