for each cart or wagon whose wheels shall exceed in
breadth four inches, and not exceeding seven inches,
three cents for each horse drawing the same; and for
every wagon whose wheels shall exceed seven inches
in breadth, two cents for each horse drawing the
CHAP. 242.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That this company, dur-
ing the construction of the turnpike road, as aforesaid,
may prevent travel upon said road, when, in their
judgment, the use of the same will work an injury to
the road, and as soon as one-half of said road shall
have been completed, the said company are hereby
authorised to erect one gate for toll, and to charge the
rates provided by the eighth section of this act, and
that all the privileges heretofore conferred upon com-
missioners to raise money for the construction of this
turnpike road, are hereby granted to the stockholders
of this company.
May prevent
travel during
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That nothing in this
act shall be construed as to authorise said corporation
to issue any note, token, scrip, device, or other evi-
dence of debt, to be used as a currency, and that the
Legislature reserve to itself the right to alter or amend
this act of incorporation at pleasure.
Banking forbid.
An act for the benefit of John B. Slemens, former
Sheriff and Collector of Somerset county.
Feb. 22, 1850.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That John B. Siemens, former Sheriff
of Somerset county, by himself or any other person
or persons by him appointed for this purpose, is and
are hereby authorised and empowered to collect until
the first day of February, eighteen hundred and fifty-
two, the sums and balances due him as former Sheriff
of Somerset county, in the same manner which the
said John B. Slemons could or might have done with-
in the time limited by law, anything to the contrary
Time extended.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the time allowed
by law to John B. Slemons, former collector of Somer-
set county, to make his collections, be and the same
In force.