tice, according to the aggravation of the offence, of not
less than five nor more than fifty dollars.
CHAP. 231.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That every lot conveyed
in said cemetery shall he held by the proprietor for the
purpose of sepulture alone, and for none other, as real
estate, and shall not be subject to attachment or exe-
Lots exempted
from execution
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That a certificate, under
seal of the corporation, of the ownership of any lot
aforesaid, shall, in all respects, have the same effect as
any conveyance from the said corporation of such lota
would have if executed, acknowledged and recorded as
conveyances of real estate are required to be.
Certificate of
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That all revenue arising
from said cemetery, over and above the sum necessary
for managing and improving the same, shall be paid to
the trustees of the aforesaid Fayette Street Methodist
Funds — how
Episcopal church, for the use and benefit of said church ;
provided, that, not exceeding one thousand dollars per
annum, for all purposes, shall be expended upon said
cemetery, without the consent of a majority of the male
members of the aforesaid church, who may be present
at a meeting, called by the preacher in charge, for that
A Supplement to an act entitled, an act to Incorporate
the Maryland Mutual Insurance Company of Balti-
Passed Feb. 22,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That an annual dividend statement shall
be made by the Maryland Mutual Insurance company
of Baltimore, which shall contain a fair estimate of the
nett profits of the company not before divided, up to
and including the last day of June of each and every
year, taking to view the probable amount to be paid on
all claims and demands which have been or may be
made against the company, and allowing for any pre-
vious deficiencies; such annual statement shall be com-
pleted by the fourteenth of the month of July succeeding
the period to which it relates, and after ascertaining, in
this mode, the nett profits of each period on risks
marked off, the board may declare a dividend, and the
Annual state-
ment, &c.