CHAP. 221.
corporation, if it should go into operation, otherwise
to be paid for by the county, as judges of election and
clerks are paid.
Passed Feb. 26,
An act to authorise the Catholic Congregation, in the
Town of Emmittsburg, Frederick County, to close
an Alley in said Town.
Authorised to
close an alley.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Catholic congregation, of the town of Em-
mittsburg, Frederick county, be and they are hereby
authorised and empowered to close a ten feet alley in
the town of Emmittsburg aforesaid, so far as said alley
runs between the lots numbered one hundred and
thirty-two, one hundred and thirty-three, and one
hundred and thirty-four, on the cue side, and one
hundred and thirty six on the other, agreeably to the
plat or plan of said town; provided, the said Catholic
congregation open a fifteen feel alley running between
lots numbered one hundred and thirty-seven, and
one hundred and thirty-eight, in the town aforesaid,
extending from an alley seventeen feet wide to Church
Passed Feb. 27,
An act entitled, an act to establish a system of Common
Schools in Cecil county, and to provide for the sup-
port of the same.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That George S. Bryan, Richard C.
Holliday and William Waring, of Cecil county, be and
they are hereby created, made and constituted a body
politic and corporate, under the name, style and title of
the Board of Education for Cecil county, one of whom
shall serve until the first Saturday in March, eighteen
hundred and fifty-one, one until the first Saturday in
March, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and the other