it shall be to preserve the peace and good order of said
town, and for this purpose he is hereby vested with
the same power and authority as any constable may
now have, under the laws of this State.
CHAP. 219.
SEC 12. And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained shall be so construed as to authorise the corpo-
ration hereby created, to issue any device, token, note,
certificate, or evidence of debt to he used as cur-
rency, and the Legislature reserves the right to amend
or repeal this charter when the same shall be deemed
Banking forbid.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of
acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act, be
and the same are hereby repealed.
acts repealed.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the legal and
qualified voters residing within the limits of the said
town of Frostburg, as established by this act, shall
assemble at the usual place of holding elections in
said town, on the third Monday in July, eighteen
hundred and fifty, and there vote for or against the
provisions of this act, by written or printed words
upon their ballots, as following, for incorporating the
town of Frostburg, or against incorporating the town
of Frostburg, and if a majority of the ballots thus
cast shall have written or printed upon them the words,
for the incorporation of the town of Frostburg, then
this act shall be of full force and effect, and if a ma-
jority of the ballots so cast shall have written or print-
ed upon them the words, against the incorporation of
the town of Frostburg, then this act shall be null and
To be submit-
ted to people.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That Thomas Bealle,
Jeremiah Welch, and John J. Keller, shall be, and
they are hereby constituted and appointed judges of
the election provided to be held under the fourteenth
section of this act, who shall swear in, appoint clerks,
and in every respect conduct said election, as the
elections for delegates to the General Assembly are
conducted, opening the polls at nine o'clock, in the
morning, and closing them at six o'clock, in the even-
ing, and after the judges shall have counted the bal-
lots cast as aforesaid, they shall certify the same, and
make return thereof to the clerk of Allegany county
court, who shall record the same.
Judges of elec-
tion named.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the judges of elec-
tion appointed by this act, and the clerks to be em-
ployed by them, shall be allowed two dollars each, for
their services, to be paid oat of the funds of said in-