CHAP. 152.
sessable property in said county, the sum of forty dol-
lars, for the use of Miss Eliza Smeltz, and to cause
the same to be collected and paid to the said Eliza
Smeltz, or her order, as the case may be, in the same
manner that other out pensioners are now paid by the
collector of taxes for Frederick county.
An act to Incorporate the Westernport Coal Company.
Feb. 14, 1850.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Thomas Perry, Jefferson M. Price,
William H. Smith, George C. Perry and Thomas De-
vecmon, and all who, as hereinafter provided, shall be-
come their associates, be and are hereby incorporated by
the name of the Westernport Coal Company, and as
such shall have succession; and have and use, and
from time to time change a common seal, and may sue
and be sued in any courts, and may have and enjoy all
the powers, privileges and rights, proper for carrying on
the manufacturing of iron and of other metals, and of
articles of which iron or any other metal is a component
part, and for opening and working their mines of coal,
and other minerals, and transporting to market, and ven-
ding the produce of their lands, mines and manufacto-
ries, and for the purposes aforesaid, to lake and hold all
properly and estate, real, personal and mixed, and to
make all manner of contracts in relation to the business,
property and estate aforesaid; provided, that the corpo-
ration shall at no time hold more than ten thousand
acres of land, exclusive of the bed of roads it may con-
struct, and except as may be specially restricted by this
act, may have and exercise all the rights and immuni-
ties incident to corporations, and the privileges and pow-
ers proper for the objects of this corporation, and for the
use, control and disposition at pleasure, of the property
and estate of the corporation, and may make all bye-
laws, rules and regulations for the government, and in
respect of the interests of the corporation, not repugnant
to the laws of this State, or of the United States.
Capital — how
paid in.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of the said corporation shall consist of two thousand
shares of one hundred dollars each, of which capital,
the lands and mines of the persons named in the first