CHAP. 125.
A further supplement to an act entitled, an act to In-
corporate the Town of Vienna, in Dorchester coun-
ty, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and thirty-three, chapter two hundred and sixteen.
Passed Feb. 14,
WHEREAS, it is believed that the original act to
which this is a supplement, has expired from a failure
to elect, on the first Monday of July last, a board of com-
missioners, according to the provisions of said act —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That, all the provisions of the said orig-
inal act, not hereinafter repealed, be and the same is
are hereby re-enacted and revived,
Act revived.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the free white male
citizens of the town of Vienna, of the age of twenty one
years and upwards, and who shall have resided in the
said place, for and during the space of six months, next
preceding the election, shall on the first Thursday in
June next, at the house in which they have heretofore
held their elections, be authorised to elect five commis-
sioners for the said town, who shall have resided within
the limits of the same, six months next preceding the
Qualification of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That one of the com-
missioners so elected, shall hold office for the term of
five years, one for the term of four years, one for the
term of three years, one for the term of two years, and
one for the term of one year, to be determined by lot
among themselves.
of members.
SEC 4. And be it enacted, That on the first Thurs-
day of June, in every year thereafter, one commissioner
for said town, shall be elected, to hold office for the
term of five years.
Day of election
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
elected under this act, be and they are hereby authoris-
ed and empowered to collect all arrears of taxes due to
the old corporation at the time when their charter ex-
To collect ar-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the metes and
bounds of the said town of Vienna, shall be as follows :
beginning at the northwest corner of Hooper C. Hicks's
old granary, standing near to the edge of Nanticoke riv-
er, and a short distance northwardly of Joel Cornwell's
wharf, thence running westwardly in a line parallel with
Front street, one fourth of a mile, or till it intersects the