CHAP. 114.
timore on the second Wednesday in the month of Janu-
uary, and that until the second Wednesday in January,
in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one,
the present officers and directors of the society, namely:
Joshua Vansant, president, James Murray and Edward
Needles, vice presidents, Samuel Sands, recording sec-
retary, William Prescott Smith, corresponding secre-
tary, Thomas 1. Clare, treasurer, and Josiah Reynolds,
C. W. Bentley, John Feast, Jesse Marden, W. Abra-
hams, Thomas Trimble, William Rogers, E. Whitman,
Junior, D. M. Adams, Wm. Bayley, C. Conway, Robert
Earrickson, Samuel McPherson, Win. Ferguson, Isaac
Brown, H. R. Hazlehurst, John F. Davis, James
Young, Wm. Peters, John T. Fardy, Samuel E. Rice,
William Robinson, Ephraim Larabee and B. S. Ben-
son, directors, shall conduct the affairs of the said corpo-
ration, conformably to the constitution and articles form-
ed and agreed to by the members previous to the pas-
sage of this act.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the duties and rights
of the members of the said corporation, the powers and
functions of the officers thereof, mode of supplying va-
cancies in office,the time of meeting of said corporation,
and of the board of managers, the number which shall
constitute a quotum at any such meeting, the mode of
electing members, the terms of their admission, the
causes which shall justify their suspension or expulsion
from the corporation, and all other concerns of said cor-
poration, shall be regulated by the constitution and bye-
laws of said corporation, now existing or hereafter to be
made, which the said corporation is hereby authorised
and empowered to make and alter, in the manner
which may be therein mentioned; provided, that said
constitution 01 bye-laws, shall not be repugnant to or
inconsistent with the constitution or laws of the United
States, or of the State of Maryland.
Banking forbid.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That said corporation
shall not issue any note, scrip, or bill of credit, to circu-
late as a currency.
Right reser-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That said act of incor-
poration shall inure for thirty years, and that the
Legislature of Maryland, reserves to itself the right to
amend or repeal the same at pleasure.