CHAP. 114.
and empowered to collect, until the first day of May,
eighteen hundred and fifty-one, all fines, forfeitures,
amercements, officers' fees, county charges, and pub-
lic dues, which were placed in his hands for collec-
tion, and which have not been collected, in the same
manner that he could or might have done within the
time limited by law.
Passed Feb.
16, 1850.
An act to authorise the Commissioners of Somerset
County to condemn a certain piece of ground in
said County.
To condemn
SECTION 1. Re it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the commissioners of Somerset
county are hereby authorised and required to con-
demn from forty to sixty feet of ground, in addition
to that already condemned, for the building of a new
causeway and wharf to the one already built at Pun-
cheon Landing, on the Pocomoke river.
Notice to be
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners are hereby authorised and required to con-
demn the above mentioned ground, and the said com-
missioners shall give notice, in the Somerset Herald,
at least twenty days, for the letting out the building
of said wharf and causeway, to the lowest bidder,
and the said commissioners are hereby authorised to
levy a tax upon the assessable property of said coun-
ty, for building the same.
Passed Feb.
13, 1850.
An act Incorporating the Maryland, Institute for the
promotion of the Mechanic Arts.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the members of the Maryland Insti-
tute for the promotion of the Mechanic Arts, and all
those who shall hereafter become members, shall be,
and are hereby incorporated and created a body politic,