CHAP. 60.
To select sur-
veyor & chain
carriers, who
shall act under
commission, to be surveyed by the surveyor of the
county, or such other skilful person as they may think
fit to appoint, and may administer an oath to the sur-
veyor, and also to the chain carriers, to execute their
respective duty as surveyor or chain carrier, as the case
may be, faithfully and impartially, according to the best
of their skill, and shall also administer an oath or affir-
mation to every witness, that the evidence which such
witness shall give to the commissioners in the matter
depending in question, shall be the truth, the whole
truth, and nothing but the truth; and the said commis-
May adjourn.
sioners or any two of them, may adjourn from time to
time, as they may think necessary, and they or a majori-
ty of them concurring in opinion, may and shall cause
the turnpike road, or that part thereof mentioned in
such commission, to be surveyed, marked and bound,
according to their adjudication and adjustment of the
location thereof, and measuring thirty-three feet on each
side of the central line, and shall cause a true and exact
plat thereof as marked, bounded and located by them,
to be made out by the said surveyor, with a table of
courses and distances explanatory thereof, and shall re-
Return to be
turn the same with copies of their proceedings to the
county court, certified under their hands, or the hands
of any two of them, which return shall be received and
recorded among the records of said county, and when
so recorded, shall from thenceforth thereafter, be taken
and deemed to he the true original location of the said
turnpike road, or that part thereof in the commis-
sion mentioned, any thing in any law to the contrary
thereof notwithstanding.
— by whom to
be paid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That each commissioner
appointed under this act, shall receive two dollars per
day for each and every day they shall attend in the
execution of their duties required by this act, and the
surveyor and chain carriers, axe-men and poles-men, to
be employed by said commissioners in surveying and
marking said road, such reasonable compensation for
their services as shall be allowed by the commissioners,
not exceeding, as respects the principal surveyor, two
dollars and a half per diem for every day he shall be
necessarily employed, and not exceeding one dollar per
diem, for each chain carrier, and also not exceeding
seventy-five cents per diem for each poles-man and axe-
man, for each and every day they shall be employed,
to be paid by the president, managers and company, at
whose petition the commission has been issued; and
in case no suit of action shall be brought within five