CHAP. 332.
stock of said company, fifteen hundred, additional shares,
which shall be divided into shares of the hundred dol-
lars each.
— how taken.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors of said company shall be authorised to receive
additional subscriptions to their capital stock as provi-
ded by the first section of this act, at such times and
places as they or a majority of them may designate.
Mar. 10, 1848.
An act to lay out and establish a road in Allegany
ers named.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a subscription may be opened for a
capital of ten thousand dollars, in shares of ten dollars
each, and that Charles Edward Cunningham, John Ogg
and Nelson Beall, be and they are hereby appointed
commissioners for that purpose, with power and authori-
Books to be
ty to open books for subscription at such times and
places as to said commissioners may seem most conve-
nient and proper, and as soon as three hundred and
fifty shares of said slock shall have been taken, it shall
be the duty of said commissioners to make out a list of
the names of the subscribers thereto, showing the num-
ber of shares subscribed by each, and return the same to
the clerk of Allegany county court, who is hereby
authorised and directed to record the same among the
land records of said county, an attested copy of said
records, under the hand of said clerk and seal of his
office, to be in all cases sufficient evidence of said sub-
General meet-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That as soon as said three
hundred and fifty shares shall be subscribed, the said
commissioners or any two of them may call a meeting
of said subscribers, after not less than four weeks notice
of the time and place of said meeting shall have been
given in some newspaper published in Cumberland, and
the subscribers assembled in consequence of such notice
shall choose by ballot from among themselves by a ma-
jority of the votes of such as may be present in person
or by proxy, each subscriber to have one vote for every
share of stock, five directors for the term of one year
thereafter, and on the same day annually thereafter a