suit, have the right to appeal to the county court as in
ordinary cases of appeal from judgments of justices of
the peace, and that any garnishee may put in any plea
or defence in a summary way which the defendant
might make to any such action.
CHAP. 321.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted That in case of the death,
resignation or removal from office of any justice of the
peace before whom any such proceeding by attachment
may be pending, the papers and proceedings in such
case may be laid before any justice of the peace in the
election district, and who shall proceed and give judg-
ment in the same manner as the justice should have
done who issued the attachment.
In case of the
death, &c., of
justice before
are commenc-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That in all cases of attach-
ment provided by the fourteenth section of the act of
eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chapter two hundred
and one, entitled, an act to establish magistrates courts
in the several counties of this State, and to prescribe
their jurisdiction, if the defendant in such attachment
shall appear and give bond with security, or some per-
son for him in cases where he is a non-resident of this
State, according to the provisions of the second section
of the act of Assembly of this State, passed at December
session eighteen hundred and thirty-four, chapter seventy-
nine, and in cases where he is a citizen of this State,
by giving bail for his appearance to the action, the said
attachment shall be dissolved, by the justice of the
Cases where
may be dis-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the provisions of
the second section of the act of Assembly passed at
December session eighteen hundred and forty-three,
chapter two hundred and twenty-two, entitled, an act
relating to the justices of the magistrates courts in Queen
Anne's county, shall extend and apply to Kent county
court, in all such cases where justices of the peace have
jurisdiction in said county, and that this act shall apply
only to Kent county.
Act of 18.43,
chapter 222, to
apply to Kent
An act to change the name of Richardson's Chapel, in
Calvert County, to Saint John's Chapel, and to in-
corporate the same.
Mar. 10, 1848.
WHEREAS, the members of the Methodist Episcopal