CHAP. 49.
that they or a majority of them, are satisfied that the
right of minors will not be thereby prejudiced, and all
oilier matters and things connected with the said valua-
tion, and the performance of the duties assigned them
by thin act, and to the said copy fairly written out, they
shall subscribe their names and thereto set their seals,
and deposit the same in the office of the clerk of the
county court, and the said clerk shall record the pro-
ceedings, and shall be entitled therefor to the same fee
he receives for wording other records, to be paid by
the parties.
Jan. 26, 1848.
Levy autho-
rised for her
An act for the relief of Jane Taylor of Harford County.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Harford county be, and they
are hereby authorised and directed, at the time of mak-
ing their next annual levy for said county, and annually
thereafter, to levy on the assessable property in said
county the sum of forty dollars for the support and
maintenance of Jane Taylor, an indigent idiot, during
her natural life, to be paid to such person as shall have
the care and custody of said idiot.
Feb. 2, 1848.
A supplement to an act passed in eighteen hundred and
forty-five, chapter one hundred and seventy-one, re-
lating to the Inspector of Lumber at Bristol, in Anne
Arundel County, and Clagett's Landing, Queen Ann,
Mount Calvert, Green Landing, and Wapping, in
Prince George's County.
To be inspec-
ted — penalty
for refusal.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this supplement to
the act of eighteen hundred and forty-five, chapter one
hundred find seventy-one, if any person or persons shall
bring lumber for sale to either of the above mentioned
places, and shall refuse to have it inspected by the public
inspector of lumber, when called upon for such purpose,