SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any primary
school teacher in said county shall violate any of the
provisions of the second section of this act, it shall be
the duty of the said general board of trustees to dis-
charge said teacher.
Teachers to be
discharged for
SEC. 1. And be it enacted. That the said local trus-
tees shall continue in office until displaced by said gen-
eral board of trustees, and that all acts or part of acts, in-
consistent with tile provisions of this act, be and the
same are hereby repealed.
acts repealed.
An act to authorise the transmission of certain proceed-
ings to the Court of Chancery, in aid of the act of
eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chapter three hun-
dred and forty-six.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, upon com-
pliance with the provisions of the act of eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-five, chapter three hundred and forty-
six, section first, entitled, an act relating to equity pro-
ceedings in a cause on the equity side of Worcester
county court, in which Samuel Kerr and wife and
Samuel R. Smith are or were parties, and in which pro-
ceedings have been commenced against George R.
Smith, as executor of said Samuel R. Smith, it shall be
the duty of the clerk of Worcester county, forthwith to
transmit to the high court of chancery for further pro-
ceedings thereon, as shall be just and equitable, all the
original bills, answers, proofs, exhibits, decrees, papers
and docket entries relating to or had in such cause since its
institution, up to the time of such removal, inclusive of
all proceedings against the said George R. Smith, and
that the said court shall proceed in such cause, as by
the said act of eighteen hundred and thirty-five, is di-
rected in other cases.
Jan. 28, 1848.
Clerk to trans-
mit proceed-
ings, &c.