CHAP. 45.
they are hereby authorised and required, to levy upon
the assessable property of Baltimore county, annually,
the sum of twenty dollars, for the use of William Spen-
cer, and to cause the same to be collected and paid to
the said William Spencer, or his order, as the case may
be, semi-annually, in the same manner that other out
pensioners are now paid by the trustees of the poor for
Baltimore county, any other law, custom or usage to
the contrary notwithstanding.
Feb. 2, 1848.
An act entitled, a further supplement to the act entitled,
an act to establish Primary Schools in Prince George's
county, passed at December session eighteen hundred
and thirty-eight, chapter sixty-one.
General board
of trustees to
appoint local
boards — duties
of the latter.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
it shall be the duly of the general board of the primary
schools of Prince George's county, or a majority thereof,
and they are hereby empowered to appoint at any of their
regular meetings, three sensible and discreet men in each
of the school districts of said county, being patrons,
or taxable inhabitants of said school districts, respec-
tively, as local trustees of said schools; and to fill up,
from time to time, all vacancies that may happen among,
said local trustees from deaths, resignations or other-
wise, and it shall be the duty of said local trustees to
visit said schools respectively quarterly, or oftener if
necessary, to supervise generally the manner in which
said schools are conducted, to appoint and remove
teachers, subject to the right of appeal to the general
board of trustees, as now provided for by law, and to
report under oath at least once a year to the said gen-
eral board of trustees, the manner in which said teach-
ers have conducted said schools, the number of schol-
ars attending the same, and the punctuality with which
said teachers have discharged their duties, and said
local trustees shall conduct all examinations of the
scholars in said schools whenever held, and report their
progress to the said general board of trustees.