CHAP. 187.
How drafts
are, to be sign-
ed, &c.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the draft of the
president of the board of school commissioners, coun-
tersigned by the board of county commissioners shall
be sufficient authority for the county treasurer to pay any
sum in the treasury of the county that may be standing
at the credit of the public school fund.
To construct
build, rent, &.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the board of school
commissioners shall have power, and are hereby autho-
rised to lease for one or more years, suitable buildings
for the use of the public schools, and, whenever the
school fund shall be deemed sufficient, they may procure
lots by lease or purchase in the name of Baltimore
county, and erect suitable buildings thereon for the use
of the said public schools.
ers to receive
donations by
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons shall at any time make a donation of land or
houses and land suitable for the public schools, it shall he
the duty of the board of school commissioners to require
deeds of the same to be taken in the name of Baltimore,
county, for the use of the public schools.
Annual report
to be made.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the board of school commissioners to report annu-
ally, on the first Monday in January, in each and
every year to the county commissioners, a statement of
its transactions, with an account of the receipts and ex-
penditures of the past year, and an estimate of the ex-
pense for the ensuing year.
Annual report
to be published.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the county commissioners to have published annually,
in pamphlet form, not less than one thousand copies of
the annual report of the board of school commissioners,
and that seventy-five copies of paid report be distributed
in each election district in the county.
Act to be pub-
lished and sub-
mitted to the
people at the
election in Oc-
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the commissioners of Baltimore county to have this
act printed and published in the most public places in
each election district of said county, at least three
months before the election of county sheriff and com-
missioners, which said election is to be held on the first
Wednesday of October, next, and every legal qualified
voter in said county is requested to put upon his ballot,
or to make known to the judges of election his assent or
dissent to this act, so far only as the levying of a tax is
involved, and the said judges are required to have
the same recorded, and if it shall appear on compar-
ing the votes that a majority of the legal voters of