their pleasure to alter or renew, and shall have power to
purchase, have, hold and enjoy to them and their suc-
cessors, the piece or parcel of land aforesaid, for the pur-
pose of establishing, maintaining and improving a public
cemetery, which is hereby declared to be the only object
for which said corporation is created, with authority to
the said corporation to receive gifts or bequests for the
purpose of ornamenting or improving said cemetery, and
to hold such 'personal property as may be requisite to
carry out the object of this act.
CHAP. 293.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the affairs of said
corporation shall be conducted by a president and five
managers, any three of whom shall constitute a quorum,
who shall be elected by a majority of the votes of the
proprietors, on the first Monday of January, in each and
every year, and in case no election shall be held at the
time aforesaid, the officers last elected, shall continue in
office until an election shall be held; the said president
and directors to fill all vacancies in their own body, and
shall have power to lay out and ornament the grounds,
to remove, alter and erect buildings, to lay out and sell
or dispose of burial lots, to appoint all necessary officers
and agents, and fix their several duties and compensation,
and to make such by-laws, rules and regulations, as they
may deem proper for conducting the affairs of the corpo-
ration, and for the government of lot-holders and visitors
President and
five directors.
to the cemetery; provided, the same be not contrary to
the constitution and laws of this State, and of the United
States; and in all elections held under this act, each lot-
holder, his or her heirs, or legal representative or repre-
sentatives shall be entitled to one vote.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the president and
managers of said corporation, shall procure and keep a
good book, in which is to be entered a minute of all their
proceedings, and in which is to be kept a record of all
those owning lots in said cemetery, and the number or
designation of such lots.
Book of mi-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That every lot purchased
in said cemetery, shall be held by the proprietor or pro-
prietors thereof, for the purpose of sepulture alone, and
for none other, as real estate, and shall not be liable to
any tax or public imposition whatever, and shall not be
subject to attachment or execution to pay the debts of the
holder or for any other purpose.
Held as real
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the president and
managers of said corporation shall cause to be made out
a neat and substantial plat of the grounds in said ceme-
Cause plat to
be made.