CHAP. 284.
cable and doubtful in their true intent and meaning; the
president and directors of the Farmers' and Merchants'
Bank of Baltimore, therefore, pray that the charier of the
president and directors of the Farmers' and Merchants'
Bank of Baltimore be extended until the end of the year,
eighteen hundred fifty-six — Therefore,
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the charier of the said bank, as passed
in eighteen hundred and ten, and the acts supplementary
thereto, in operation prior to January first, eighteen hun-
dred and forty-five, be, and they aie hereby restored; pro-
vided, however, that the president and directors of the
Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Baltimore shall be,
and are hereby declared to be suhject to the provisions
of the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th sections of the act
creating the Merchants' Bank of Baltimore.
Oath of affir-
SEC. 2. And be it emitted, That the president, each
director, cashier, or other officers or servants of said
Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Baltimore, before he or
they enter upon the duties of his or their office, shall take
the following; oath or affirmation, as the case may be: I do
swear or affirm, that I will faithfully, impaitially, dili-
gently and honestly execute the duties of agree-
ably to the provisions of law and the trust reposed in me,
to the best of my skill and judgment.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That so much of any former
act or acts as are inconsistent with the provisions of this
act, so far as they are designed to apply to the president
and directors of the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of
Baltimore, the same shall be, and are hereby repealed.
Act to be ap-
proved by the
president and
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall have
no effect until it shall he accepted and adopted by a re-
solution of the president and directors of the said Far-
mers' and Merchants' Bank of Baltimore, authorised at a
general meeting of the stockholders, and a copy of said
resolution be transmitted to the Governor of Maryland,
to be filed in the executive department.