SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the trustees shall have
power to invest a certain poition of the premiums re-
ceived, not to exceed one-half thereof, in public funds,
stock or other securities, as they shall deem most ad-
CHAP. 282.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That in suits by, or against
said company, no member of the corporation shall on
that account, if he be not in his individual capacity a
party to such suit or suits, be incompetent as a witness.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That at the expiration of five
years from the time the first, policy shall have been issued,
and within thirty days thereafter, and during the first
thirty days of every subsequent period of five years, the
officers of said company shall cause a balance to be
struck of the affairs of the company, in which they shall
charge each member with a proportionate share of the
losses and expenses of the said company, according to
the original amount of premium paid by him, but in no
case to exceed the amount of the premium; each mem-
ber shall be credited of said premium, and also with an
equal share of the profits of the said company, derived
from the investments and earnings, in proportion to said
amount; and in case of the death of any member of the
said company, the amount standing to his credit, at the
last preceding striking of balance as aforesaid, together
with the proportion which shall be found to belong to
him at the next subsequent striking of said balance,
shall be paid over to his legal representative or assigns,
within three months after the said last mentioned balance
shall be struck; any member cf the company who would
be entitled to share the profits, who shall have omitted
to pay any premium, or any periodical payment due from
him to the company, may be prohibited by the trustees
from sharing in the profits of the company, and all such
previous payment made by him shall go to the benefit of
the company.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for
any married woman, by herself, or in her name, or in the
name of any third person, with his assent, as her trustee,
to cause to be insured for her sole use, the life of her
husband, for any definite period, or for the term of his
natural life; and in case of her surviving her husband,
the sum or net amount of insurance becoming clue and
payable by the terms of the insurance, shall be payable
to her, and for her awn use, free from the claims of the
representatives of her husband, or of any of his creditors,
but such exception shall not apply where the amount of
Privileges of
married wo-