CHAP. 8.
Passed Jan.
14, 1846.
An act for the benefit of John Jump, of P., late Sheriff of
Caroline county.
WHEREAS, John Jump, of P., of Caroline county,
having served out his terra of office, as sheriff of said
county, is about removing out of the said county, for and
within which he acted as sheriff; and whereas, the said
John Jump, of P., as sheriff, hath taken in execution
sundry goods and chattels, lands and tenements, under
and by virtue of sundry writs of execution, sued out of
Caroline county court, and hath returned said writs to
the said court, alleging therein that the goods or chat-
tels, lands or tenements, so taken in execution, remain in
his possession or custody unsold, for the want of buyers and
by reason of other legal impediments; and whereas, there
may exist doubts whether, after the removal of the said
John Jump, of P., the clerk of said court would be au-
thorised, under the provisions of the act of eighteen
hundred and thirty-two, chapter one hundred and eighty,
to issue writs of venditioni exponas, directed to the
said John Jump, of P., in such cases; and whether the
said John Jump, of P., as late sheriff, would be entitled
to charge and receive the poundage fees, allowed by law
on the service of writs of execution.
Clerk author-
ised to issue
writs of ven-
ditioni expo-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland
That the clerk of Caroline county court may, and
he is hereby authorised, when directed so to do, to
issue writs of venditioni exponas, in all cases which were
in the hands of John Jump, of P., as sheriff, where the
previous writs of execution have been regularly and le-
gally returned, directed to the said John Jump, of P., as
late sheriff; and the said John Jump, of P., is hereby
authorised to complete said writs, and to make a sale of
the goods and chattels, lands and tenements, remaining in
his hands unsold, and any sale made by him under and by
Made valid.
virtue of any such writs, shall be, and the same is hereby
made valid; and he shall be entitled to charge and receive
the poundage or other fees allowed by law on such writs,
and he shall also be authorised to collect all fees due him
as sheriff, as also all fees which have been placed in his
Power and au-
hands for collection, and which remained unsettled; and
he is hereby clothed with full power and authority to do
and perform all lawful acts and things which may be ne-
cessary to enable him to complete and finish his business
as sheriff, to the same extent, and with the like authori-
ty, as he could have done had he remained in the county.
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