CHAP. 6.
Passed Jan.
17, 1846.
A further supplement to an act entitled, an act to introduce
wholesome water into the city of Frederick.
WHEREAS, it is represented by the Mayor, Aldermen
and Common Council of Frederick, that under and by
virtue of the authority of the act of December session,
eighteen hundred and forty-four, chapter nine, they
borrowed the sum of thirty thousand dollars, in an-
ticipation of the proceeds of the lottery authorised
by the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, chap-
ter two hundred and ten, and applied the same to
the purpose intended, but that a further sura being
necessary, in anticipation of said proceeds, to com-
plete the water works as newly located for the introduc-
tion of water into the said city, the sum of eight thou-
sand dollars was advanced to the said corporate authori-
ties for said object, and a debt of two thousand dollars
contracted, and they have therefore prayed that a law
may be passed to authorise a loan on the credit of said
corporation to discharge the said sum so as aforesaid
advanced, and said debt; and that the proceeds of said
lottery, and the water rents of said works, after deduct-
ing the necessary expenses attending the same, may be
applied and pledged to the discharge and payment of the
loan authorised by the first above mentioned act, and
the loan of ten thousand dollars further required, and the
debt aforesaid — therefore,
Mayor, &c.
authorised to
borrow $10, -
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Mayor, Aldermen and Common
Council of Frederick be, and they are hereby authorised
and empowered to borrow, on the credit of the corpora-
tion of Frederick, the sum of ten thousand dollars, to be
applied to the payment of the sum so as aforesaid ad-
vanced, and said debt, and for the payment of the same,
Authorised to
and the interest that may accrue thereon, the said corpo-
rate authorities are hereby authorised and empowered,
if necessary, to levy upon the assessable property with-
in the taxable limits of said corporation, a sum sufficient
of the interest
SEC. 1. And be it enacted, That the proceeds of the
lottery aforesaid, and the rents or tolls for the use of the
water of said works, after deducting the necessary ex-
penses attending the same, be and the same are hereby
pledged and appropriated for the payment of the interest
and reimbursement of the principal of the loans hereto-
fore and hereby authorised, and the debt aforesaid; and