An act entitled, a supplement to an act entitled, an act for
the establishment and regulation of the Levy Courts in
the several counties of this State, passed at November
session, seventeen hundred and ninety-four chapter fifty-
CHAP. 5.
Passed Jan.
10, 1846.
WHEREAS, by the second section of the said original
act, the bonds of the collectors of the taxes therein men-
tioned, with the probats thereof, are required to be re-
corded by the clerks of the levy courts, and attested
copies of the same from the record are made evidence in
law, in actions, of debt, for the breach of the condition
thereof; and whereas, by the act of March session,
eighteen hundred and forty-one, chapter twenty-three,
section forty-five, and the first section of the act of
December session, eighteen hundred and forty-three,
chapter two hundred and eight, the bonds of the col-
lectors of the direct taxes, imposed for the use of this
State, are required to be recorded, as other collectors'
bonds are now required by law to be recorded; and
whereas, in some of the counties of this State it is under-
stood that the levy courts, and the commissioners of the
tax, keep no full and complete records of their proceed-
ings, and none of them are provided with seals for
the authentication of their proceedings — for remedy of
all which:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the bonds of the collectors of the tax
imposed, or to be imposed, for the use of this State, shall
be recorded in the offices of the clerks of the several
counties, and of Howard District, and that attested copies
of thereof, under the official seal of the said clerks, shall
be evidence in the courts of law and equity of this State.
Bonds of col-
lectors to be
recorded in the
clerks office
of the several
counties, &, c.
SECTION 2. And be it enacted, That the bonds of
such of the collectors as may heretofore have been re-
corded in the offices of the clerks of the respective
county courts, and of Howard District, shall, notwith-
standing, be as valid and effectual for all purposes what-
soever, as if they had been recorded by the clerks of the
levy courts, as directed by the said original act, and
copies thereof, under seal, shall likewise be evidence in
all courts of law and equity in this State.
Bonds to be
valid and effec-
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