gress to make an appropriation for the purpose of erect-
ing a Beacon Light, at the mouth of the harbor of the
city of Annapolis, and which will essentially conduce to
the beneficial objects contemplated by the said petition,
which is about to be sent on to the present Congress of
the United States — therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Senators and Representatives of this State, in the
Congress of the United States, be requested to use their
influence in procuring an appropriation for the erection
of a Beacon Light on Greenbury's Point, at the mouth of
the harbor of the city of Annapolis.
And be it further resolved, That his Excellency the
Governor be requested, to forward a copy of the forego-
ing preamble and resolution to our Senators and Repre-
sentatives in the Congress of the United States.
No. 67.
Passed Mar.
10, 1846.
Resolution authorising the Governor to settle with the
Printers of the House for printing reports, &c., since
the closing of the journal of accounts.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
his Excellency the Governor be authorised to settle with
the printers of this House for such reports, &c., were
printed after the closing of the journal of accounts.
No. 68.
Resolution in favor of Thomas Gaither.
Passed Mar.
10, 1846.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer pay Thomas Gaither eight dollars, for two
days services as committee clerk in the Senate.