county, be and he is hereby authorised to collect until
the first day of May, eighteen hundred and forty-seven,
all fines, forfeitures, amercements, officers fees or public
dues, which were placed in his hands for collection, in
the years eighteen hundred and thirty-four, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-five, and eighteen hundred and thirty-six,
and all legal fees made by him whilst sheriff during the
aforesaid years, which have not been collected in the
same manner as he could or might have done within the
time limited by law.
CHAP. 395.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Francis Ste-
vens before he proceeds to execute the body or property
of any person or persons for fees, forfeitures, amerce-
ments, officers fees or public dues, shall deliver or cause
to be delivered to such person or persons chargeable
with the same, or left at their place of residence, at least
thirty days previous to serving or levying such execu-
tion, an account of the sum demanded of him, her or
them, which shall contain the specified items charged
with an affidavit annexed thereto, that he had not, nor
hath any other person for him, received any part thereof
or satisfaction for the same, to the best of his knowledge
and belief.
To give thirty
days notice.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person against
whom there is a claim presented by said Stevens, shall
make affidavit before any justice of the pence for said
county, that he or she believes the same to be unjust, or
that the sum had been paid at any previous time, it shall
Affidavit to
bar payment.
forever bar such claim or claims; provided, nothing here-
in contained shall be so construed as to effect the estate
of deceased persons.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Francis Ste-
vens, shall before he proceeds to act under this act, cause
a copy thereof to be set up in the clerks office of Calvert
county, for the more general information of the people in
said county.
Cause copy to
be set up in
clerks office.
An act for the protection of the Public Buildings in All-
gany County, and also to provide for their completion
by the erection of a fence or enclosure.
Passed Mar,
9, 1840.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly,
that the public buildings in Allegany county are much
exposed to destruction by fire — therefore,