and thirty-nine, chapter two hundred and five, and the
supplements thereto, relating to the lien of mechanics,
and others, on buildings, be and the same is hereby ex-
tended to Prince George's and Anne Arundel counties,
and to Howard District.
CHAP. 347.
An act for the better regulation of the Poor School Sys-
tem in Cecil County.
Passed Mar.
10, 1846.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That on the first Monday in June next, in
each of the election districts in Cecil county, at the usual
places of holding elections, there shall be held an elec-
tion for three school commissioners, who shall be resi-
dents of the said districts in which they are voted for,
and of the said election, notice of at least twenty days
shall be given by the sheriff of the said county, in the
mariner now prescribed by law.
Three com-
missioners to
be elected.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the justices of the
peace, or any two of them residing in the several elec-
tion districts, shall on the said first Monday of June,
open the polls at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon,
and keep the same open until five o'clock in the after-
noon, for the receiving of ballots, and shall accurately
count the number of ballots given for school commis-
sioners, and make a return thereof to the judges of the
orphans court in said county, who shall on such return,
be authorised and are hereby directed to pay over to the
school commissioners, who shall receive a majority of
votes in their respective districts, such sum or sums of
money, as the said districts may be respectively entitled
in the distribution of the school fund as now directed by
Polls open in
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said school com-
missioners whose powers are restricted to their own dis-
tricts, shall carefully examine into the condition of the
several schools in their said district that receive any part
or portion of the poor school fund in said county, and
shall be authorised to expend the money they may re-
ceive from the orphans court, either in the aiding in the
erection of suitable school houses for schools, or in the
tuition of poor children, whose parents are unable to give
them education.
School com-
missioners to
examine the