CHAP. 342
Passed Mar.
10, 1846.
An act supplemental to an act, entitled an act to incorpo-
rate the Trustees of the Franklin Academy or School,
in Baltimore County, passed December session, eighteen
hundred and twenty, chapter forty three.
entitled to vote.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That on the third Monday of October, eigh-
teen hundred and forty-six, and on the same day annual-
ly thereafter, every contributor or patron, resident in
Baltimore county, of Franklin Academy or School, in
Reisterstown in Baltimore County, who has given or may
hereafter give any pecuniary aid or other aid, patronage,
or support, to said academy, may and shall have a right
to vote by ballot for nine trustees for the good govern-
ment and management of said academy; and said trus-
tees shall have all the powers and immunities and same
kind of perpetual succession, and incur all the responsi-
bilities and perform all the duties given and imposed in
the original act to which this is a supplement; and be-
fore any trustees to be elected under this act, and their
successors shall proceed to act, he and all of them shall
qualify as prescribed in the sixth section of the act to
which this is a supplement; and if a vacancy or vacan-
cies occur among the trustees to be appointed under this
act in the manner mentioned in the second section of the
original act to which this is a supplement, said vacancy
or vacancies shall be filled as prescribed in said second
section, till the next annual election thereafter as provid-
ed for in this act.
Election held
in October.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That on the third Monday
of October next, at nine o'clock, A. M., the present trus-
tees or any three of them, shall repair to said academy
to hold the election for trustees to be elected under this
act, and shall hold the election, receive the ballots and de-
clare the result as the return judges for the election of
delegates to the General Assembly do, and keep open
the polls till four o'clock, P. M., and the nine persons
receiving the greatest number of votes, shall be declared
duly elected; but if said trustees refuse or neglect to
open the polls by nine o'clock, A. M. as aforesaid, the
persons present qualified to vote as aforesaid under this
act, shall immediately nominate three of themselves, to
hold and declare the election as aforesaid; and annually
thereafter the trustees to be elected under this act, or any
three of them shall hold and declare the election of trus-