CHAP 326.
Court to allow
supervisor to
contract for
timber, &c.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said levy court is
hereby empowered to authorise the supervisor of any
public road in Calvert county, to contract for such
wood, timber or other materials us may be necessary to
keep in good repair any such road, causeway or bridge;
provided however, that nothing in this act shall extend to,
or affect any cases where persons are compelled by law
or contract to keep any bridge in repair.
To receive
pay for 10 days
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That no supervisor shall
be privileged to receive pay for a greater number than
ten days in each year, and the said supervisors shall re-
ceive for each day that he may have worked upon said
roads; provided, said number of days does not exceed
ten, the sum of not less than one or more than two dol-
lars at the discretion of said court.
Liable to pre-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That any supervisor who
shall refuse or neglect to discharge the duties prescribed
in this act, shall be liable to presentment before the grand
jury of said county, and subject to a fine not exceeding
fifty nor less than twenty-five dollars, in the discretion of
the judges of the county court, which fine or lines shall
be collected in the same manner that other fines are now
collected, and shall be paid into the Treasury of the
State, after deducting the expenses accruing on such pre-
power reser-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That all acts inconsistent
with this act, are hereby repealed.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the discretionary
power is hereby reserved in the levy court of Calvert
county, if in their judgment, it shall be most advantage-
ous for the county, to sell out the public roads in hun-
dreds as they are now laid off to the lowest bidder.
Passed March
9, 1826,
An act for the relief of Amos Young, of Washington
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly,
by the petition of Amos Young, of Washington county,
that on the tenth day of November, eighteen hundred and
forty-five, he obtained out of the land office of the State,
a warrant of resurvey, upon part of a tract of land of
which he is seized in fee, called Chew's farm, lying in