and forty-seven, and until like officers shall be therefore
chosen, and to make such by-laws, rules, orders and regu-
lations as do not contravene the constitution and laws
of this State, and may be necessary for the well govern-
ing the officers of the said company.
CHAP. 324.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the stockholders in
the said company, shall be and they are hereby incorpo-
rated and constituted a body politic, by the name and
style of the President, Managers and Company of the
Black Rock Turnpike Road, and by the same name the
Said subscribers and their successors shall have success-
sion during the continuance of the corporation, and shall
have all the privileges and franchises of or incident to a
corporation; and shall be capable of taking and holding
the said capital slock and the increase and profits. and of
enlarging the same from time to time by new subscriptions
on the original terms, in such manner and form as they
shall think proper, if such enlargement shall be found ne-
cessary to fulfil the intent of this act; and of suing and be-
ing sued, answering and being answered; and the said
company shall have power to make a seal and alter and
break and renew the same according to their will and
Legal capacity.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the sums so sub-
scribed shall be paid to the managers elected agreeably
to this act, in the manner following, to wit: one-fourth
part thereof, including the one dollar paid to the com-
missioners at the time of subscribing, at the end of one
month after the election of managers, and the remainder
in such sums and such times as the managers may ap-
point; they giving at least two weeks notice of the pay-
ments so required in the newspaper aforesaid.
Sums sub-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the president and
Managers first chosen as aforesaid, shall procure certifi-
cates for all the shares of the stock of the said company,
and shall deliver one such certificate signed by the pre-
sident and countersigned by the treasurer, and sealed
with the common seale of the said company to such per-
son or persons for every share by him, her or them sub-
scribed and held, which certificate shall be transferable
at bis, her or their pleasure, subject however, to all pay-
ments due and to become due thereon; and the assignee
holding such certificate, shall be entitled to one share of
the capital stock and of all the estate and emoluments of
the company, and to vote as aforesaid at the meeting
President and
managers shall
procure certifi-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That after thirty days no-
Thirty days
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