CHAP. 268.
canal, in boats, vessels or barges, of any description,
sum not exceeding thirty-seven and a half cents, one-third
of said tolls to be paid into the State Treasury, and for
children, between the ages of three and twelve years,
one-half the above sum, to be distributed in like pro-
portion between the said company and the State; provi-
ded, that passengers shall, at all times hereafter, have
the right to travel through said canal in such manner as
the existing regulations of the said company may require;
and provided further, that each and every passenger shall
be entitled to carry one hundred pounds of baggage,
free from any charge for toll.
Commute for
the charge of
toll on passen-
gers, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That for the more conve-
nient despatch of business, it shall and may be lawful for
the said Chesapeake and Delaware canal company, to
commute for the charge of toll on passengers, merchan-
dise, or any kind of commodities or produce, with any
individual, individuals or companies, on such terms as
may be agreed upon between the parties; provided al-
ways, that no individual or company shall enter upon, or
make any agreement, which shall not be extended to any
other individual or company, who may be willing to en-
ter into a similar agreement, on the same terms as the
most favored.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That for a greater conve-
nience to the proprietors, so much of the eighth section
of the act, to which this is a supplement, as enacts that
a general meeting of the proprietors shall be held on the
fust Monday in June, in every year, shall be and is here-
by amended, so that the same shall be held, in lieu there-
of, on the first or third Monday in January.
Transfer stock.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the shares of stock of
said company, may be transferred by the proprietors
thereof, in person or by attorney, duly constituted, upon
the books of the said company, in the presence of its
president or secretary; and upon the surrender of the
old certificates, new ones, in lieu thereof, be issued, in
the same manner as is now, by law authorised and provi-
ded, in cases of the loans of the said company.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That upon the acceptance
by the said company, of this act, to be signified to the
Secretary of State in writing, under their corporate seal,
the same shall become a part of their charter.
Right reserv-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Legislature of
this State reserves to itself the right to amend or annul
this supplement at pleasure.