this corporation; provided, the same be not incompatible
with the ordinances, passed at general meetings of the
CHAP. 268.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the directors shall
be entitled to a compensation for their services, to be fix-
ed by the stockholders at a general meeting, and the
first election for directors shall be he Id within six months
after the passage of this act, who shall continue to serve
until the next triennial meeting of the stockholders.
Directors to
be entitled to
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the powers of this
incorporation shall not be construed to comprehend bank-
ing privileges, or to authorise the issue of any bill or
note in the form or style of a bank note.
Banking for-
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That this act shall enure
for twenty years from the date of its passage, and that
the legislature reserves to itself the right to amend or
annul the same at pleasure.
Enure for 20
Right reserv-
A further supplement to the act entitled, an act to incorpo-
rate a Company for the purpose of cutting and making
a Canal between the Chesapeake Bay and Bay or River
Delaware, or the waters thereof.
Passed Jan.
26, 1846.
WHEREAS, it is important to the people of the State
of Maryland, as well as to the public at large, that vari-
ous communications between all parts of the Union should
be multiplied for travellers as well as merchandise, and
under such regulations as will prevent monopoly, and at
the same time give a fair remuneration to such as expend
their capital, in opening and maintaining the same; and
whereas, some doubts are entertained, whether the Chesa-
peake and Delaware canal company have the right, un-
der their charter, to charge tolls on passengers, and it is
both just to the said company and expedient to the State
of Maryland, and the public at large, that tolls should be
prescribed and limited so as to prevent all uncertainty in
regard to the same — therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be lawful, from and after the
passing of this act, for the said Chesapeake and Dela-
ware canal company to demand and receive as toll, in
respect of each and every passenger carried through said
Demand and
receive as toll.