CHAP. 27.
be collected by the collector of Carroll county, as other
county charges are now collected, and it shall be the duty
of the said collector to pay to each and every State witness
such sum of money as they may severally be entitled to
receive for their attendance as witnesses aforesaid, im-
mediately after they are discharged from further attend-
ance at any court of said county.
Pay over sur-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the collector of said
county shall, annually, settle his account with the said
commissioners for monies which he may have collected
under the provisions of this act, and pay over to the said
commissioners any surplus, if any shall be remaining
in his hands, which surplus shall be applied to county
Clerk's certifi-
cate to be au-
thority to pay.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That a certificate of the
county clerk, of said county, of the number of days each
witness is in attendance, shall be the authority for the
collector to pay said witness,
Passed Jan.
20, 1846.
An act to incorporate the Mount Savage Catholic Tem-
perance Benevolent Society, of Allegany county.
Individuals in-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas McCormick, James Quigg, P.
Roman Steck, Mark Milligan, Thomas Sheridan, Rich-
ard Torley, Thomas Whealan and all others who may
become members of the said Society, and their succes-
sors, be, and they are hereby created a corporation and
Name & style.
body politic, by the name, style and title of the Mount
Savage Catholic Temperance Benevolent Society of Alle-
gany county, and by that name shall be able and capable in
General pow-
law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend
and be defended, answer and be answered, in any court
of law or equity, and to make and use a common seal,
and the same to alter and change at pleasure, and to or-
dain and establish such by-laws and regulations as may
be necessary and convenient for the conducting the af-
Legal capaci-
fairs of the corporation; provided, the same be not con-
trary to the laws of this State and the United States.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corporation
shall be capable in law to have, take, receive and hold
property, real and personal; also, devises and bequests