CHAP. 176.
Passed Feb.
29, 1846.
A supplement to on act entitled, an act relating to the Lien
of Mechanics and others upon Buildings, passed at
December session eighteen hundred and thirty-eight,
chapter two hundred and five.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the first day of April next,
the lien for work done and materials furnished for or
about the erection or construction of any building with-
in the limits of the city of Baltimore, shall only be pre-
ferred to every other lien or incumbrance, which attached
upon such building subsequent to the commencement, of
the same, and the ground covered by and necessary for
the ordinary and useful purposes of such building, as
provided for in the second section of the original act, to
which this is a supplement; provided, that if the contract
for furnishing such work or materials, or both, shall have
been made with any architect, builder, or other person,
except the owner or owners of the lot upon which such
building may be erected, or his, her or their agent, the
person or persons so doing work or furnishing materials,
or both, shall not be entitled to a lien as aforesaid, unless
within sixty days after furnishing such work or materials,
or both, as the case may be, he, she or they, or his, her
or their agent, shall give notice of the same in writing to
such owner or owners, or agent, if resident within the
city or county of Baltimore, and of his, her or their inten-
tion to claim the benefit of the lien hereby given.
Sixty days no-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if the owner, owners
or agent aforesaid cannot, on account of absence or other
cause, be furnished with the notice aforesaid, then and
in that case, it shall and may be lawful for the claimant
or claimants, or his, her or their agent, in the presence
of a competent witness, and within the said sixty days, to
place or cause to be placed said notice upon the door or
other front part of said building, and shall file a claim or
statement of his, her or their demand in the office of the
clerk of Baltimore county court, in the manner prescribed
in the original act to which this is a supplement.
Applicable in
all cases.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the aforegoing pro-
visions of this act and of the original act, to which this is
a supplement, are hereby made and declared to be appli-
cable in every case in which a dwelling house, or other
building, shall be repaired, rebuilt or improved to the ex-
tent of one-fourth of the value of such house, or other