CHAP. 175.
eighteen hundred and twenty eight, in Liber. J. S., No.
29, folios 508 & 509, one of the land records of Frede-
ick County, be and the same is hereby declared valid
to all intents and purposes, as if said acknowledgment
had been made and taken in strict conformity to law.
Made good.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all title or titles de-
rived under or by virtue of said deed be, and the same
are hereby made good, notwithstanding the defects in
said acknowledgment; provided, that in all other respects
the said deed shall have been executed in due conformity
to law.
Passed Feb.
23, 1846.
Made valid.
An act to make valid the acknowledgement of it deed from
Esther Hughes to Peter Spessart.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the deed from Easther Hughes to Peter Spessart,
now deceased, bearing date October twenty seven, eigh-
teen hundred and forty, and recorded in Liber. W.
W. folios 671, 672 and 673 of the land records of
Washington county, shall be considered, and the same is
hereby declared to be as valid and effectual to all intents
and purposes, as if the acknowledgement thereof had
been made and certified in due form of law.
Passed Feb.
26, 1846.
An act for the incorporation of Good Samaritan Lodge,
Number Forty-six.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Peter Stern, John Burke, Joseph
Abrams, John B. Picking, Andrew Eyster, Lewis Colli-
flower, Joseph Welly, George Row, Washington Quin,
Francies Rosensteel, John Harbaugh of C., Christian
Lantz, Thomas Conn and John H. Harbaugh and others,
officers and members of Good Samaritan Lodge, number
forty-six, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and
their successors, in Emmetsburg, Frederick county, be,
and they are hereby declared to be a community, corpo-