CHAP. 171.
of December session, eighteen hundred and forty-four,
chapter one hundred and seventy-two, except that the
currency debt, bearing interest of five per cent shall, for
the purposes of both said acts, be assessed at eighty-five
dollars in the hundred.
Stocks ex-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the several levy
courts, the commissioners of the tax, and the appeal tax
court of Baltimore, at their next annual meetings after
the passage of this act, shall deduct from the amount of
the assessment of property in the several counties, Ho-
ward District, and the city of Baltimore, so far as relates
to the taxes imposed for the use of this State, the assess-
ed value of the aforesaid stocks, and that thereafter, the
accounts for taxes due this State, shall not include the
tax upon the aforesaid stocks.
Passed Feb.
27, 1846.
An act to authorise the Governor to appoint an Inspector
of Lumber at Bristol in Anne Arundel County, and
Clagett's Landing Queen Ann, Mount Calvert's, Green
Landing and Wapping in Prince George's County.
Authorised to
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Governor be and he is hereby au-
thorised to appoint an Inspector of lumber at Bristol in
Anne Arundel county, and Clagett's Landing, Queen
Ann, Mount Calvert's, Green Landing and Wapping, in
Prince George's County, on or before the first day of
May next, and annually thereafter; whose duty it shall
be to inspect all lumber that shall be brought to said
places for sale.
To make oath.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That before said inspectors
shall proceed to inspect any lumber by virtue of this act,
he shall go before some justice of the peace in one of the
aforesaid counties and make oath that he will inspect all
lumber which shall be brought to said places for sale,
whenever he shall be so required or whenever he shall be
aware of the arrival of any lumber from any other source
without favor or prejudice, to the best of his skill and
Same rates as
in Baltimore.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said inspectors shall
be entitled to the same compensation that is now allow-
ed by law to the inspectors of lumber in the city of Bal-