CHAP. 160.
Legal capaci-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the corporation and
their successors, by the name and title aforesaid, shall be
forever thereafter, capable in law, to sue and be sued,
plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto,
defend and be defended, in all or any court of justice,
and before all and any judges, officers or persons what-
soever, in all and singular actions, matters or demands
Have a com-
mon seal.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be
lawful, for the said corporation, to have a common seal,
for their use, and the same at their will and pleasure, to
change, alter and make anew, from time to time as they
may think best, and shall in general, have and exercise,
all such rights, privileges and immunities, as by law are
incident or necessary to corporations, and what may be
necessary to the incorporation herein constituted, and to
enable the members of said order to exercise all things
concerning the design of this corporation, for the bene-
volent relief of the sick and distressed, and for the pro-
motion of their purposes generally.
Demand a
statement, &c.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall and may
be lawful at anytime for the General Assembly to de-
mand a statement of the amount of the property, real
and personal, belonging to the said corporation, and of
the debts due to and from the said corporation, and the
purposes for which disbursements shall have been
made, and shall also have the right to authorise one or
more persons to inspect such general accounts in the
books of the corporation as shall relate to such state-
Enure for 80
Right reserv-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act of incorpo-
ration shall enure for thirty years from the date of its
passage, and that the General Assembly of Maryland
reserves the right to change, alter or annul the same at
any time.
Passed Feb.
16, 1846.
An act to alter and change the Divisional Lines, between
the Fourth and Seventh Election Districts in Carroll
WHEREAS, it would add to the convenience of certain
voters now residing in the seventh election district in
Carroll county, that the dividing lines should be chang-
ed — therefore,