CHAP. 121.
Confined to
Balt. county.
out such road or way, may be exercised and performed by
the three commissioners, or by any two of them.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the operation of this act
shall be confined to Baltimore county.
Passed Feb.
21, 1845.
An act to incorporate the Metamora Tribe, Number Four,
of the Improved Order of Red Men, of the State of Ma-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That John M. Muhlhofer, Augustus Ballauf,
Christian Boerner, Martin Schneider, Louis Weber,
Thomas Newbert, Conrad Schuman, Gottlieb Steilitz,
Jacob Vrienzle, Charles Wadner, George F. Menzel, Da-
vid Louster, John Blake, Heinrick Lauber, Gustavus Olid,,
Christian Berch, the officers and members of the Meta-
mora Tribe, Number Four, of the Order of Independent
Red Men, of the State of Maryland, and their successors,
be and they are hereby declared to be a community, cor-
poration and body politic, by name, style, and title of the
Metamora Tribe, Number Four, of the Independent Order
of Red Men, of the State of Maryland, and by that name,
they and their successors shall and may be capable in law,
to have, receive, and retain, to them and their successors,
property real and personal, and also devises and bequests
of any person or persons, bodies corporate or politic, capa-
ble of making the same, and the same at their pleasure to
transfer or dispose of in such manner as they may think
proper; provided always, that the said corporation or body
politic, shall not at any time hold or possess property, real,
and personal, or mixed exceeding in value the sum of five
thousand dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corpora-
tion and their successors by the name and title aforesaid,
shall be capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be
impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be
defended, in all or any courts of law and equity, and be-
fore all or any judges, officers or persons whatsoever, in
all and singular action, matters, or demands whatsoever.
To have a
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be
lawful for the said corporation to have a common seal for
their use, and the same at their will and pleasure to
change, alter or make anew from time to time, as they.
may think best, and shall in general have and exercise all