No. 38.
Resolution relative to a bill reported to the 27th Con-
gress, "to found a Military Asylum for the relief and
support of invalid soldiers of the United States army. "
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Our Senators and Representatives in Congress be request-
ed to make every exertion within their power to secure
the passage of a bill repotted to the 27th Congress, en-
titled a bill "to found a Military Asylum for the relief and
support of invalid soldiers of the army of the United
States, " which was recommended to the favorable con-
sideration of Congress upon a plan submitted by Capt.
Anderson of the United States Army.
Passed March
7, 1845.
No. 39.
Resolution appointing Directors on the part of the State
in the Branch Bank at Easton.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
James E. Barroll, of Kent county, Richard Hughlett, of
Dorchester county, and James Turner, of Caroline coun-
ty, be find they are hereby appointed Directors., on the part
of the State in the Branch Bank of the Farmer's bank of
Maryland in Easton.
Passed March
4, 1845.
No. 40.
Resolution appointing Director in the Baltimore and Sus-
quehanna Rail Road Company.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Robert McGraw, John H. Smith, John Philpot, Henry
Pike, Sheppard C. Leakin, be and they are hereby appoint-
ed Directors on the part of the State in the Baltimore and
Susquehanna Rail Road Company.
Resolved, That the President of the Senate and Speak-
er of the House of Delegates, address a joint letter to each
of the above named gentlemen informing them respectively
of their appointment.
Passed March
6, 1845.