charged; AND WHEREAS, the general government is justly
indebted to the several States for the proceeds of the sales
of the public lends, which have gone into the public treas-
ury since the discharge of the trust for which the lands
were pledged; AND WHEREAS, the revenues of the gene-
ral government are more than necessary to a wise and eco-
nomical system of national expenditure; AND WHEREAS,
the States have incurred heavy indebtedness for works of
internal improvement, (in some cases by the advice and
encouragement of the general government, ) which now
serve to bind together the whole, and to make the Union
enduring; AND WHEREAS, as the great indebtedness of
many of the States renders a resort to direct taxation, to
pay the interest, at once onerous and oppressive to the
people, and it will be burthensome in the extreme to dis-
charge the principal thereof, when the same shall become
Resolved, as the sense of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, that the general government should pledge its faith
and extend its credit for the relief of the States, by issuing
two hundred millions of government stock, to be appor-
tioned among the States upon an equitable basis; and that
the entire public domain, yet unsold, computed to be
1. 042. 731. 765 acres, ought to be pledged specifically for
the payment of the same, and the interests to accrue
Resolved. That our Senators and Representatives in Con-
gress, be and they are hereby earnestly requested to advo-
cate such a measure, and to do all in their power to secure
its adoption at the earliest practicable period.
No. 18
Resolution in favor of William McNeir.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer pay out of any unappropriated monies in the
treasury, to William McNeir, the sum of five hundred dol-
lars, for printing done by order of the senate during the
present session, and which sum shall be credited by the
chairman of the committee on claims on his account.
Passed Feb.
25, 1845.
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