determination of any such levy court or board of commis-
sioner:, as the case may be, or by any proceedings had un-
der this act, he, she or they may appeal to the county court
of the county in which such application shall be made;
and shall be entitled at the election of either party to a
trial by a jury, and the judgment thereupon rendered shall
be final between the parties.
CHAP. 279.
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That if any ditch shall be
cut across any public road, so as to incommode the travel,
it shall be the duty of the managers appointed under this
act, to cause to be erected good and sufficient bridges,
not less than twelve feet wide over the said ditch where
it crosses the road, and to keep the said bridge in good
repair, and if the managers shall refuse or neglect to erect
said bridge, or to keep the same in good repair, it shall
be the duty of the supervisor having charge of the road to
proceed forthwith to erect or repair, such bridge and re-
turn an account of the expenses thereof under oath to the
levy court, or the commissioners as the case may be of the
county, and the levy court or commissioners shall place
the account in the hands of the sheriff of the county, who
shall proceed to collect the same from the managers in the
same manner as other county charges are collected, which
amount when collected shall be paid over to the levy court
or commissioners for the use of the county.
To cause
bridges to be
erected, &c.
An act to Incorporate the Mutual Fire Insurance Company
of Baltimore.
Passed March
10, 1845.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Columbus O'Donnell, Richard Norris,
B. H. Richardson, James Harwood, John D. Early,
William Loney, and Alphews Hyatt, their associates and
successors, are hereby made a corporation, by the name
of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore, for
the purpose of making insurances on dwellings, houses,
stores, and all other kind of buildings, vessels in port,
house furniture, merchandise, and all other kind of proper-
ty, against loss and damage by fire, and that the corpo-
ration hereby created, shall by the same name have suc-
cession, and shall be able to sue and be sued, implead and
be impleaded in all courts of law and equity in this State
and elsewhere; and to make and to have a common seal,
and the same to break, alter and renew at their pleasure.