CHAP. 278.
ty dollars to be recovered by the managers for the time
being and applied to the use of said ditch.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
appointed under this act, shall each receive for every days
attendance in viewing a swamp or low ground, and laying
out a ditch, one dollar, the managers appointed as afore-
said, shall each receive one dollar, for every day they shall
be actually engaged in the discharge of their duty, the sur-
veyor shall be paid a reasonable compensation for his ser-
vices, and plat to be agreed upon by the parties, and the
clerk of the county court is hereby required to keep a re-
cord of the order and report, and he shall be entitled to
receive for every order made and certified under his seal of
office, fifty cents for reading the report, endorsing the con-
In case of
death or re-
moval com-
missioners to
appoint, &c.
firmation thereon and filing the same on record twenty-five
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That if any commissioner
appointed as aforesaid, in any order original, or of review
shall die, or remove from the county, or be otherwise una-
ble to act, the levy court or county commissioners as soon
as practicable thereafter shall appoint another person in
his stead, and the said order with the report thereon shall
be executed, and received by the levy court or county
No mill dam
to be removed
commissioners in the same manner as if the person origin-
ally appointed had acted
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
shall be so construed as to authorise the removal of any
mill dam or interference with the legal rights appertaining
Orphan court
to appoint
guardian, &c.
to mills.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That in case of the proper-
ty or interest of any minor or minors not having guardians
being affected by the draining of any swamp or low land
as hereinbefore provided for by this act, the orphans court
of the county where such application may have been made
on being informed of the interest of such minor or minors
being affected by such proceedings, shall appoint guardian
or guardians for such minor or minors for the protection
Thirty days
notice to ten
of the interests of their respective ward or wards.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That in case of any owner
or owners of land or other property affected by the oper-
ation of the provisions of this act living out of this State, a
written notice of thirty days served on the tenant or tenants
agent or agents of such owner or owners, of the proceed-
ings of the commissioners as hereinbefore provided for
shall be as good and sufficient as if the said owner or
owners of such land or other property were residence of
Right of ap-
this State.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted. That any person or per-
sons conceiving himself or themselves aggrieved by the