Society of the Maryland Annual Conference.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the managers of the
said society, and their successors henceforth in office, by
their said corporate name shall be persons capable in law
to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and
be answered unto, and issue all legal process in any court
of law or equity, or before any judge, officer or other per-
son or persons whatever, either within or without the lim-
its of the said State, and to purchase, take, hold and en-
joy to and for themselves and their successors, any estate
or interest whatever, in lands chattels, rents, annuities,
bank stock, registered debts, public or private securities,
or other real or personal property within or without the
said State, by deed, assignment, devise, bequest or other
mode of conveyance or transfer, of or from any person or
persons, bodies politic or corporate, having legal capacity
to make such transfer or conveyance, and the same, at
their pleasure, to improve, lease, rent, incumber, dispose
of, or alien in such manner as they may judge most con-
of this supplement be, and the same is hereby repealed;
provided nevertheless, that all the proceedings of said soci-
ety heretofore had and adopted, shall be as effectual and
valid to every intent as though this supplemental act had
not been passed; and provided further, that nothing herein
contained is intended to interfere with the provisions of
the second, fifth and sixth sections of the said act, of
which this is a supplement.